Here's a cable yarn I spun today as part of the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers online spining workshop for spring 2009.
1 ply was created from handpainted BFL top and a silk/merino blend dyed in Lanaset Royal Blue; with the other ply consisting of the same BFL as before and a silk/merino handpainted with Lanaset dyes. Both plies were plied on my Ashford Traditional wheel using the 6.5 ratio at 20 turns per 18'' span approx. Then they were cabled on the 6.5 ratio again following Judith MacKenzie McCuin's instructions to ''throw'' the plies at the wheel orifice -- see Spin Off, Spring 2008, ''Cables: Demystifyig the Mysterious Yarn''.
I am pleased with the results,and curious to see how it will knit up. Also thinking of trying more cabling, this time with cashmere.
the random dyed multi-coloured yarn is beautiful