OK it's been a while since I last posted! But I'm back now and I've been having lots of fun, not just spinning, dyeing and knitting, but playing on Ravelry. Now that is one fun place to hang out!
This morning I somehow managed to persuade my eldest daughter to pose for some photos which I have just uploaded on to my ravelry page. [This is what happens when university finishes and you ahve nothing better to do!] By the way my Ravelry name is goddesswarrior. No, don't ask! It's a long story!!
Funny thing is that while I thought I had done virtually no spinning, dyeing or knitting for some time, or at least none worth talking about, in fact I seem to have a lot more than I realised! Wow, imagine if I actually got organised! Think what I might achieve then. Maybe that handspun waistcoat I've wanted to knit for myself for some years now...or a handspun Fair Isle nordic-style cardigan pewter buttons and all...or how about an entrelac waistcoat or scarf...and what about all those handsun shawls I've been wearing in my dreams....mmmmm, time to get committed and have fun!
The gist of grist
I was recently asked if I could share how I maintain grist, a consistent
thickness in my handspun. First, I think it is important for me to stress
that my ...
5 weeks ago